If evolution doesn’t work – how in the nine hells do you explain anti-biotic resistance?

Another thing that annoys the daylights out of me is these Intelligent Design bigots who try and push the Creationism agenda down the throats of the public with fancy modern PR tactics and attitudes straight out of the old testament.

One of their core beliefs and killer arguments – one of the issues they will trot out when faced with such thorny issues such as “proof” and “facts” is that no scientist can show evolution in action – there is no evidential proof.

Excuuuuuse me, but what the zarking fardwarks is anti-biotic resistance but living proof of evolution in action?!

How the hell do you explain the fact that some viruses OVER TIME become resistant to penicillin?! How else is it possible to explain that one particular antibiotic kills 99.99% of a particular virus – this year – but that next year it kills only 80% – then 50% and so on – without using evolution in the explanation.

(apart from the fact of course that these religious bigots cannot comprehend the concept that viruses are living beings with very short generations and that therefore within a couple of months they can have gone through 4 or 5 generations and the few mutants that were immune to that antibiotic have spread their immunity throught the whole of the population due to the fact that they can double their numbers every few minutes…)

I think it must be because they operate purely on faith and any inconvenient facts that disprove their argument must be simply ignored. I wonder how many of THEIR relatives have been killed by antibiotic resistant MRSA… but of course, killing dear old granny is the wish of god, not due to overuse of drugs on the part of lazy humans….

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All that it takes for evil to triumph is for good people to do nothing: VOTE AGAINST THE BNP IN THE LOCAL ELECTIONS ON MAY 4TH

The viciously racist, fascist BNP have got candidates in a lot of seats in the local elections on May 4th; even if you do not know who you want to vote FOR you can be certain that voting AGAINST the BNP is a purely good act.

Think about it: Hitler himself never won a majority of seats; he got a minority and then used terror and armed force to take over. We must not let these revolting racist thugs gain any kind of foothold in our democracy.

Make no mistake; if these vile shits ever got in then you would never get to vote again. In every council where they have been elected violent racist attacks have increased. And all that you need to do is to vote AGAINST them. Just cast a vote for anyone else at all. I would love to be ableto talk you into voting Green; but even if you voted Conservative I would salute you as a fellow human being, a believer in democracy. Anyone who votes BNP is a Nazi and is exiling themselves from the free political process.

The argument about letting them have a voice as part of the usual political process is utterly false; they do not support the process and do not subscribe to the fundamental concept of protecting rights and freedoms. If they oppose the right of whole sections of society to exist then how the hell can they claim the protection of society when they feel like it?!

Sign up and join the Unite Against Fascism today!

Remember the words of Pastor Niemoller, a victim of the Nazis:
First the Nazis came for the communists,
And I did not speak out;
For I was not a communist.

Then they came for the social democrats,
And I did not speak out;
For I was not a social democrat.

Then they came for the trade unionists,
And I did not speak out;
For I was not a trade unionist.

Then they came for the Jews,
And I did not speak out;
For I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me,
And there was no one left to speak out for me.

Speak out against these Nazis NOW by voting against them on May 4th.

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I never thought I would ever agree with the leader of the Tory party…

David Cameron said today “just vote for anyone but the BNP” – and for the first time ever I find myself agreeing with a Tory.

The trouble with most Tories is that I have always seen them as fundamentally selfish: thier basic policy always seems to be “me first: if I am OK then to hell with anyone unable to compete at the ferocious level I insist on”

The fact that Cameron is banging on so much about how green he now is and how evil the BNP are shows how much the basic consensus of politics has changed – moved to the centre, away from the extremes. This is good for me in that the far right is now more marginalised, but also bad in that I think that some “left” policies should be implemented and are not now going to be.

Still: just remember: you might not know who to vote for, but you know who to vote AGAINST! Black and white, unite and fight – smash the BNP!

And if one of these racist little fucks has the gall to stand in YOUR area then remember this one thing: to stand in an election in the UK you have to put your home address on the ballot paper. And there is NO law against taking in a pen and paper of your own into the ballot booth. That means we know where these racist, fascist bastards live.

Do something today against the fascist BNP: UNITE AGAINST FASCISM.

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You know what we need? – the World Unity Party

We need to do something drastic to stop all of the problems I have railed about in this blog.. and I think it could be labelled as the World Unity Party.

Try this for a thought experiment: one EU country attacking another EU country is now as unthinkable as one UK county attacking another UK county. Sure – it used to happen.. but now that we are more closely tied together it is unimaginable.

And do you know why the European Union was originally formed? – to stop anything like the Second World War happening again.

Now we are facing problems that are not just continent wide but global. We need a solution that makes (just as a random example) America attacking Iraq as unthinkable as Worcestershire attacking Herefordshire. If you think this means I perceive America as the most dangerous country on the planet right now then you are right…. anywhere lead by a moron who used electoral fraud to get elected, has nucelar weapons and is itching to use them to further his Heavenly appointed task of bringing about Armageddon is by far the most dangerous country on the planet.

We need a World Unity Party to attack the issues of global warming, climate change, dessertification, religious fundamentalism and the fact that the developing nations now want a Western lifestyle with all of the energy usage and pollution so implied.

We want a global confederation of city states banding together; each one electing a continental member of congress and a global member of the senate. We want a global leader, because without it we will never get an evangelist of the stature of Winston Churchill to make us face the consequences of climate change now.

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There is nothing in evolutionary theory that says that God didn’t instigate the Big Bang

I find it hugely frustrating to see people insist that creationism or it’s bastard child – Intelligent Design – are true when anyone with the barest flicker of intelligence can see that the facts that exist at least strongly suggest that all life evolved from other species.

In fact it can only weaken the Christians entire way of life to continue to argue about something so obviously false. Just give it up! Everyone not blinded by bigotry can see that you are wrong!

And they miss a fundamental pointed of putting the date of Creation of Earth and the Universe by God at a biblical six thousand years ago they should put it at 13 or 14 billion years ago at the time of the Big Bang… – and no one could ever argue against it! We still have no idea what caused the Big Bang; it could just as easily have been God as the Huge Flying Spaghetti Monster!

And there can be no argument whatsoever against the following proposition: “What if God created the Universe at the Big Bang and set up the whole of the history of the universe and the creation of our own solar system as a way to create – eventually – us as conscious beings” Instead of a fallacious argument about creationism they should state that God created the Big Bang…..

…. and also did it in such a way as to really annoy physicists!

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We are all of us made of stars…

Did you know that most elements in your body heavier than oxygen – and every element heavier than iron – is made in supernovas?

Think about it: the gold in your wedding ring is only ever made in stars when they explode. Most of your own body was at some point in time part of a star… and the elements came to our solar system and created a new sun and planet from the remnants flung out in the explosion at the end of it’s life.

The elements in our bodies have been around a long, long time – at least the length of time that our own solar system has been in existence.

Kind of makes you humble doesn’t it?

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If Sweden can get rid of all oil requirements – why can’t we!

I’ve just seen someamazing news: Sweden aims to be 100% free of oil within 15 years! – this is just amazing: if a major, developed first workd country like Sweden can wean itself away from oil TOTALLY… then why can’t everyone?

All ittakes is a small amount of expenditure and pain right now – and we will save a huge amount of pain in the future. A concept that is required to be introduced here is that of “peak oil” – we have passed the peak point of oil production and from now on the amount of oil it is possible to get out of the ground will diminish AND there will be more people, cars and countries demanding oil AND it will be more expensive to get the remaining oil out of the ground.

This is why Sweden is doing this – as well as for rational, self preservation and paranoia and for the environment.

Why should we let ourselves be depdendent on a rapidly diminishing resource? – that’s already had at least two major wars fought over it? Let’s reduce oil dependency NOW – and see if we cannot beat Sweden to it!

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For crying out loud: TAX AVIATION FUEL!

Aviation fuel is not taxed at the moment.. so one of the biggest contributors to CO2 production has no economic brake on it!

Everyone else on the planet is paying the environmental cost of all flights that everyone else takes! – and all it would need to remedy the situation would be a climate levy style tax on aviation fuel. We do NOT all need to travel so often – or so quickly: just tax the fuel and stop the climate chaging to a point where we are all FAR worse off.

And do something about it: joing the Friends of the Earth campaign today.

The vast bulk of air travel could be handled by electrically powered airships – powered by green electricity. Think about it: these things could dock at large buildings in city centres – where most people live – thus saving the fuel and time costs of travelling out to where the airports are.

And think about how much safer an airship would be: “Ladies and gentlemen: we have just lost all engines and we are crashing. Please make your way to the parachute lounge where we will show you a 5 minute video on how to parachute safely and then we will get you all safely out over the course of the next hour.”

These things are inherently safer than planes! – I know which one I would prefer to take my 18 month old baby onto! – in fact, if I won the lottery I know what I would invest it in! (and obviously you use innert non-flammable helium rather than ecxplosively combustible hydrogen)

But until we have passenger airships, please – just put tax on aviation fuel.

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Do something concrete to help the environment today; part 3: join climateprediction.net

Another small thing you can do – here, now, today – to help the environment is sign up to help with the Climate Prediction experiment at http://www.climateprediction.net/

This is another one of those distributed processing concepts where spare computational power on your computer is used to solve massive problems by breaking the problem up into many small parts and just throwing computer power at it to solve it. It works like a screensaver and only kicks in when your computer is otherwise idle, so it will not eat into your computer’s capacity. And obviously you do not need to leave your computer on overnight to work on the problem – unless of course you are using 100% green electricity of course

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Ever noticed that the scruffier people are the nicer they are?

My Other Half is only just realising this fact – it is something I myself only gradually became aware of over many years – but the scruffier and untidier someone is then the nicer they are (as a general rule that is…)

Some of my hobbies include live role playing games, and there are some very strange looking people who attend these! They have a lot of hair, a lot of tattoos and a lot of piercing – and to a person they are all fundamentally decent, kind and honest people. In fact , the more someone looks like a greebo then I have found the more of a nice person they are!

I myself have a day job in an office and so my level of greebo-ness is quite muted: I don’t wear my ear-rings to the office and I have no visible tattoos… – however, when I go to one of these events I can (and do) let rip!

And smartly dressed people are almost always arrogant, smarmy, self serving bastards – your typical salesman in fact. But ain’t it strange that by one of the main criteria by which we judge people – their degree of scruffiness – has an inverse relationship to their fundamental level of humanity?!

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